Friday, May 14, 2010

Fish farm

A small fishing farm from Malaysia

The building at the background is neighbour country Singapore

People who live and work at this small fish farm

A view of a seafood restaurant

Here are some photos to share with you. A small fish farm from south Malaysia, across the strait it is neighbour country Singapore where you can see from the 2nd photo. Hope you like it :)

Thanks for viewing :)


  1. Lovely to see you back, Gwen and to have his wonderful glimpse into Malaysia and even Singapore..Great photos xoxo.

  2. Welcome back, Gwen!! Thanx for sharing these lovely photos of a place so far away...

  3. Thank you so much for this delightful tour, Gwen! Beautiful photos ... and now I'm hungry for fish!!! xoxo

  4. Welcome back! Great photos.......... :D

  5. Oh! I think I need to take a picture of FISH next time if I visit this place again. Thanks for the comments :)

  6. Gwen, love love it!
    More tour please........:)

  7. Wooo-Hooo!! Welcome back Gwen!! It's so amazing to see your photos and reminds me of when I visited there a few short 20 years ago!! Just Beautiful!! :)

  8. Hope u enjoyed your holiday.
    I airmailed something to u in late April. Did it arrived ok?

  9. Wow, Gwen, how exotic!!! Would love to see more!!! xo Cait
